Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I've visited parts of this forum today and have seen some speculation and somewhat of a desire to get hands on an Adsense account fast...

I thought it was pretty obvious, but below are a few steps to help those out that are stuck or lacking reassurance in their sites ability to pass Google's not-so-vigorous requirements...

Step 1
Sign yourself up for a Blogger Account - by the way, this is the most fastest way to get yourself an AdSense account...

Step 2
Select a topic to blog about. It could be absolutely anything - Cars, Trains, Holidays - just make sure it's legal and appropriate!

Step 3
Submit about 4 blog posts around your topic. For example, if you're doing cars - make 4 posts about your 4 favourite cars - each can be 300 words each, as long as the content is nice and clean, you'll have no problems.

Step 4
Add an "About Me" page to your Blog. Just include a short description about yourself and your blog.

Step 5
Go to your dashboard in your Blogger account, and click "Monetize" ... there'll be a section that will allow you to sign up to AdSense - submit your application through blogger, with your blog being the site you wish to use your AdSense Advertisements on.

Step 6
Wait until you're in.

Extremely easy and extremely simple. The reason why this works is because Google owns Blogger. Not only that, but Google loves blogs. I've had an AdSense account approved in under two hours this way!

Remember, once you have your account treat it like Gold. Always follow their Terms because once they pull the rug from under you, you'll feel like you've landed on a bed of nails!

Also, you'll be able to use that AdSense Account on any site that you own and that abides to their TOS - not just your Blog. Once you're in, you can just forget about your blog!

Hope that helps you and good luck...

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